Friday, 27 June 2014

Week 8 in MR

On Tuesday we were lucky to have some students from Aotea College come into our classroom and do some activities with us. In the morning they read to us and played maths games with us. After morning tea they did some art with us. We had to write the first letter of our name and then decorate the page with pictures of things we liked.

On Tuesday we also got to enter the COSMODOME! Some of us were a little nervous going inside but we loved it when we were in there. When we came back we wrote some awesome stories without any help from Miss Rowe. We have also been doing some art for Matariki. On Wednesday with Mrs Berney we made some star constellations.  We made different pictures in the sky.

On Thursday and Friday we also made some stars for Matariki. They turned out awesome! To finish our picture off Miss Rowe took photos off us lying on the floor so that in our pictures we are gazing up at the stars.

We carried on learning our Maori words this week. We had to listen to Miss Rowe say the Maori word and then we had to draw the picture of what it is in the box.  We are starting to remember these words now!

We have had a big focus on 'time' for Maths this term. We have been learning to read the clock. We know different times. We have learned about O’Clock times, half past times and quarter times.

On Friday MR Class hosted whole school assembly. We had four wonderful hosts Annelise, Benny, Yvonne and Yogesh. They did such a fabulous job! We got to share our zentangle artwork at assembly too!

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