Friday, 13 June 2014

Week 6 in MR Class

This week we have been looking at the black and yellow thinking hats! We know that the black thinking hat is used for identifying things that are wrong about something. It is acknowledging the bad points and weaknesses of something. We also now know that the yellow hat is thinking about all the good things and the benefits. We did a couple of activities to help us understand these thinking hats!

In writing this week we have been focussing on making a report. First we had to understand what a report is and how to write it. Miss Rowe made a paper hamburger to help us get a good idea of what a report is. In the first layer of the burger we needed a sentence to introduce the topic. In the second, third and fourth layers we needed to add in some detail about a topic. In the last layer of the burger we had to make a conclusion. Our topic was 'frogs'. We published our reports and made a paper frog by reading a book and following instructions! Check out some of our reports about frogs!

This week two of our reading groups performed a play to the class. They were learning to use expression when they are reading and to pretend that they are a different character. After the plays were performed we discussed what worked well and what didn't work so well. They all did such a fabulous job!

On Friday we had Discovery Time. Our theme was “Celebrations-Parties” to link in with our topic. This week our focus for discovery time was to 'catch somebody being good.' We talked about how this might look like people sharing, taking turns, helping others, being kind, saying compliments. Most people in the class caught lots of people being good! We called ourselves the 'Celebration Police.' The celebration police lets the teacher know all the good things that they notice about somebody else! 

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