Thursday, 5 June 2014

Week 5

This week in MR Class we started practising our ball skills. We started to learn how to bounce a ball using our finger tips. We had to learn to control the ball while we were bouncing it. We then practised our bounce passes. We will be continuing to practise large ball skills for the rest of the term. 

More art! Check out the fabulous art work that we have been doing. We used crayons and dye to create these. We had to crinkle up the paper before we dyed them. 

This week we have been looking at the letter 'Ff ' in handwriting. We need to stay on the line and make sure our letters face the correct way. 

This week MR Class made 'Squiggle' stories. Miss Rowe put a little squiggle in our books and we had to make a picture out of our squiggle. We could turn it into anything that we wanted to. We then had to write about our picture. We wrote about plants, the sea, people, castles and lots more! 

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