In KBR class we looked at balloon rockets. We learnt that the force of the air moving in one direction moves the balloon in the other direction.
In VH Class we looked at the difference between solids, gas and liquids. We made some yummy pancakes. We had to make predictions, observe and then eat! Om nom nom.
In MR Class we made GLOOP! We predicted what we thought would happen when we mixed corn flour, food colouring and water. We then observed what happened and had a play. We discussed what it looked like and what it felt like.
Is gloop a solid or a liquid?
This is what we found out: Cornflour is made of lots of long, stringy particles. When water is added they do not dissolve in water, but they do spread themselves out. This allows the gloop to act both like a solid and a liquid. When you roll the mixture in your hands or apply pressure to it, the particles join together and the mixture feels solid. But if it is left to rest or is held up and allowed to dribble, the particles slide over each other and it feels like a liquid
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