Friday, 22 May 2015

Discovery Time

Discovery Time on PhotoPeach

We had a great time today during Discovery Time. Our focus was to try our best and put effort into all of the activities. We got to do lots of great activities today including science experiments, creating, art work, bubbles, construction, floating and sinking and many more! MR Class did a great job of trying their best. Check out what they have to say. 

Max- I tried my best while I was bubble printing
Riley- I made a dinosaur so I had to try really hard
Uenuku- I made a dinosaur. I put heaps of spikes on it so it looked really cool.
Jordan- My dinosaur kept on breaking so I had to keep trying to make it.
Kayla- I tried my hardest to make a present for Oliver's birthday and somebody helped me.

Holly/Zoe- We were putting all of the boxes on top of each other which was really hard but we kept going. 

Tuesday, 19 May 2015


We have all been trying super hard during Gymnastics time. We are improving so much. We can now balance really well, land properly, climb the rope, jump really high and we are becoming nice and strong! Here we are in action!! 

Fun with our buddies

Today we had buddy time! 
We had LOTS of fun playing with all the PE gear outside. 
Check out the video of us and our buddies 

Friday, 15 May 2015

Shared Reading- Beware of the Cat!

This Week for shared reading MR Class read the story 'Beware of the Cat' by Jill Eggleton. We all really loved this story. In this story a lady is painting a sign that is meant to say "Beware of the catch" but because she ran out of paint the sign actually says "Beware of the cat". The neighbours were all worried about the scary cat in town! For writing, we described the cat from the story. We used book creator to create our own story as a class about the cat. We have a page of the story each. 

We have made it into a movie so you can check it out on here:

New Zealand Symphony Ochestra

On Tuesday, all the juniors went to see the amazing New Zealand Symphony Orchestra perform "The Happiness Box." It was great to see the instruments and hear what they all sound like. It was a really cool story too.. Who can remember the characters and the instrument names? Here is a movie with parts of our trip that Mr D put together. 

Cross Country Fun

On Monday Discovery School had their Cross Country day. We all did such a great job. Miss Rowe was so proud of us for running and trying our very best. We got given an ice block at the end of the race to cool us down! 

Saturday, 9 May 2015


We have been making our own poems about the season Autumn. We wrote a poem together as a class and then we wrote our own individual poems. We also did some Autumn art. We displayed the key words about Autumn in our class. 

Wonder Women Afternoon

A big thank you to all of our Wonder Women that came along for our fantastic afternoon together.
It was great having you in our classroom. Here is the video that we made for our wonder women: 

We enjoyed some cup cakes with our wonder women 


This week MR Class started doing some science.... We did three science experiments this week. We did one with Miss Bradley, one with Mrs H and one with Miss Rowe.

In KBR class we looked at balloon rockets. We learnt that the force of the air moving in one direction moves the balloon in the other direction.

In VH Class we looked at the difference between solids, gas and liquids. We made some yummy pancakes. We had to make predictions, observe and then eat! Om nom nom.

In MR Class we made GLOOP! We predicted what we thought would happen when we mixed corn flour, food colouring and water. We then observed what happened and had a play. We discussed what it looked like and what it felt like. 

Is gloop a solid or a liquid? 

This is what we found out: Cornflour is made of lots of long, stringy particles.  When water is added they do not dissolve in water, but they do spread themselves out.  This allows the gloop to act both like a solid and a liquid.  When you roll the mixture in your hands or apply pressure to it, the particles join together and the mixture feels solid.  But if it is left to rest or is held up and allowed to dribble, the particles slide over each other and it feels like a liquid