Friday, 20 March 2015


On Friday we had our school disco. We had a great time having a dance and seeing our friends. They played some of our favourite songs and we had so much fun standing under the smoke machine! Some of us even got our faces painted.

Topic- The Marae

Later this term we are going on a trip to a Marae. We have been learning lots about the Marae so that we feel comfortable going on our trip. We have learnt what the different parts of the Marae are, what happens in a powhiri and the order of a powhiri, new words and vocabulary and we have been learning our Mihis. 

We are really enjoying learning about the Marae. We have some experts in the class that have been helping Miss Rowe too! 

Check out some of our learning.. .

What's been happening in Maths?

This week we continued to look at our 'teen' and 'ty' numbers. We made some teen numbers with the place value blocks, wrote down teen numbers and practised our counting. Check out the video to help us with our 'teen' numbers.

We have been working on different things in our maths groups.. Some of us have been practising forming our numbers correctly, others have been learning different ways to make ten and we have been working towards our goals that we set last week. 

Athletics Day

Today Discovery School held their Junior Athletics day. We had a great time and we all tried our best. There were so many activities that we tried such as.... high jump, long jump, hurdles, vortex, shot put and sprints! Lots of MR Class even came 1st, 2nd and 3rd in some events. Miss Rowe was so proud of everyone for trying their hardest. We dressed up in our house colours and were earning points for our house throughout the day. 





More Reading Celebrations!

Well done to these four children for reaching their 25 nights reading. Wohooo! You are awesome! 

Friday, 13 March 2015

Our Arty Owls

On Monday we read a story called, "Its takes two to Twit Twoo" We learnt that it takes two owls to make the sound "twit twoo". 

After reading the story we discussed other animal sounds and then made some of our own owls to display in our cloak room. Check them out:

Celebrating Reading

This week lots of children reached their 25 nights reading! Wohoooo! We were all so excited for them. Well done to all of these children! 

High Jump and Athletics day

This week we have been practising high jump for Athletics day. We have been practising our scissor kicks over the mat. 
We have our Athletics day on Tuesday. Remember to wear house colours! 

Kendall- Red
Hillary- Green
Devoy- Yellow
Blake- Blue 

Was that an Earthquake?

This week we read a story called, "Is that an Earthquake?" This is a story about a family who hear lots of noises and think there is an earthquake. The reason we read this story was because we need to know what to do in an earthquake at school. We wrote out some instructions titled: What to do in an Earthquake. We then made posters to describe to people what to do in an earthquake and then we had lots of earthquake drills. Can you remember what to do if there is an earthquake? Check out our posters and practising! 

Buddy Time

This week we were on "Environment" 
We take turns at Discovery School to garden, pick up rubbish, water the plants and clean up the school. We got to do this with TD Class- our big buddies! We had lots of fun and we did a great job! 

Friday, 6 March 2015

Writing and Reading

We have been doing some fantastic writing in MR. Our last story we wrote was about having a super power! Our title was... If I could have any super power it would be... because.... 
We then published our writing and displayed it on the wall! 

We read the big shared book called "Number One" We read this as a whole class, then some of us took it home to read. We also listened to the story on the I Pads. After we discussed the story and the punctuation in the story we did some amazing artwork. We were learning to use details and patterns. 
Check out some of our art..