This week we have been doing lots of awesome art work! We made some bright, colourful flowers. We had to pick some colours that went well together. Some of us just used one colour per petal and some of us used two per petal. This is what they turned out like:
On Tuesday we went to an awesome art workshop. We learnt how to draw cartoon characters! We drew a cat, dog, pencil, sheep, monkey and lots more! One of our favourite drawings was the penguin so on Wednesday we got to draw a MASSIVE penguin! We read a book about different penguin facts and found out lots of cool information. Here are some of our drawings:
Kite Flying
Today MR class went and flew kites on the Discovery School field! We had such a great time running up and down the field. We had lots of different coloured kites. We came back to the classroom and talked about different verbs. We came up with lots like swirling, twirling, glistening, twinkling, speeding! We then wrote some stories and poems about kites. Miss Rowe was very pleased with the stories and poems that we made.
We have been focusing on small ball skills for P.E. We have been learning how to hit a tennis ball with a tennis racket and learning some other new ball skills with our tennis coach. We have also been practicing our throwing and catching skills. We have some great skills in our class!!
For maths we have been focusing on money and fractions. We are learning to recognise the value of each coin and we are starting to add money together. We are all pretty clever! We are also learning to recognise types of fractions. So far we have looked at 1/2, 1/3, 1/6, 1/5 and 1/4. These are a bit tricky but with lots of practice we can do it!
See you next week :-)
What a fun week of learning you have had! We enjoyed getting all the old art home, what a busy year you have been having. I am so glad there have been lots of challenges in maths, go MR!