Tuesday, 24 September 2013

Week 9- Term Three in MR

Wow! Term Three coming to an end already.
We have covered lots this term. At the moment we are busy practicing for our production. We are all working so hard and it is all coming together! We are having three shows next term so we might need to practice some of our moves over the holidays.
In writing we have been writing narratives and poems.. We even got to share some of our poems at whole school assembly. Here are a few of them…Miss Rowe was SO proud of ALL of us!! 

Daffodils shine in the night,
Daffodils dance in the bright,
They spin and spin in the shiny bright sun and they twinkle like crystals (Tegan)

Daffodil, as shiny as gold
Find some
Find some
Or get some
Daffodil as shiny as gold
I like you in the bright light (Zachary)

Daffodils, daffodils everywhere.
The petals sway like very, very shiny gold
The leaves go swish and sway
The petals go swish and sway (Chamae)

Orange, yellow and white
I like daffodils
Light (Ryan)

Daffodils as sweet as a honey bee
It dances in the breeze when the wind goes with it
It looks like a bright yellow butterfly in the right pattern as it slowly starts to bloom (Caitlin)

In MR we made some treasure maps. We learnt the directions of North, South, East and West!

We ripped the edges of the paper, scrunched the paper up and drew our directions on top.. This is what they turned out like:

Monday, 16 September 2013


Over the past four weeks we have been doing lots of gymnastics. We had a go at balancing on the beam, bouncing on the blue mat, doing dive rolls, climbing the long rope and lots more! In our last week we got to have a turn on the BIG air track! We all loved this! Even Miss Rowe got to have a turn....

We have been writing lots of narratives in the past week. We know that to write a narrative we need to set the scene (who, when, where, what), make a problem, have several events and finally a conclusion (solving the problem). We have been using as many adjectives (describing words) as we can to make our stories more interesting..