Sunday, 19 May 2013

What Is New?

Last week we started to think about our Science topic. We got to do a few science experiments to get us thinking about what science is. We came up with some great ideas in our class brainstorm! We already have many scientists in our class. The first experiment we did involved mixing water, cornflour and food colouring. We made GLOOP!

We had to think about the science question: Is Gloop a solid or a liquid? It is runny when you pick it up but it is like rock when it is sitting at the bottom of the container... Hmmmm..

We then got into groups and looked at the idea of floating and sinking. We had to think about what objects would float and why? What wouldn't float and why? We got some of our predictions right and some of them wrong but we could explain why some things could float and why other objects couldn't.

Today we went into the courtyard and Mr Burns showed us some more science experiments. We were amazed at what he showed us! We are really looking forward to starting our science topic :-) 


  1. Love the Guinea Pig, what's its name?

  2. We have decided to call him Austin :-)
