Saturday, 6 April 2013

Week 9- A Short Week

We only had three days at school this week so the days flew by! We have been practicing our mihi lots this week as we are off to the Marae next week. We are getting more confident with saying our mihi and we are really excited about our trip on Tuesday.

We have still been working on place value in class. Here are some awesome games to play at home!

Sophie B reached her 50 nights of reading which is fantastic! Some of us will also reach our 50 nights of reading this week coming. Such a great achievement!

Caitlyn received a Discovery School award for always trying her best in class. Kapai!


  1. Wow Caitlyn, this is awesome. Well done! It's great to see the class blog up and running.

  2. wow caitlyn this amazing claps to you my fellow monkey vampire

  3. my little monkey >3<

  4. so cute my CJM lots of love xx

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