Thursday, 11 April 2013

Week 10- One more week to go till School Holidays!!

Boy have we been busy this week. On Tuesday we had our Marae visit. We all had such a great time and learnt so many new things. On Wednesday we wrote about the Marae. This is what a few of us said:

"Yesterday we went to a Marae and we had to sit in the Whare Nui. Then we had some kai." (Chamae)

"On Tuesday I went to Takapuwahia Marae. I had kai in the Whare Kai. I played lots of games like singing the haka." (Baxter)

"This is called about a Marae. The place I went to first was called the Whare Nui. I ate in the Whare Kai. It was yummy, really yummy. I sang a lovely song. I played nicely with the Mana College School people. They are nice, really nice. They had lots of cool activities for us to do. My favourite activity was counting to seven in Maori. It was fun." (Caitlyn M)

Then we came back to school and Miss Rowe showed us how to use the Ipads. We played heaps of cool games that can help us with our maths, art, spelling and reading. 

We are continuing to work with place value for maths. Here are another two links that will help us practice at home. Have a go!

On Thursday we read a story called "Oh, the thinks you can think!" We then had to think of our own crazy ideas by using our imagination. We are so good at using our imagination in MR class. Here are two examples of what we did.

To finish off our week we did some fabulous artwork. Miss Rowe was so proud of us! Come in and check it out next week. Here is a little sneak peak. 

See you all at the disco tonight in your party gears! Woohooo! :) 

Saturday, 6 April 2013

Week 9- A Short Week

We only had three days at school this week so the days flew by! We have been practicing our mihi lots this week as we are off to the Marae next week. We are getting more confident with saying our mihi and we are really excited about our trip on Tuesday.

We have still been working on place value in class. Here are some awesome games to play at home!

Sophie B reached her 50 nights of reading which is fantastic! Some of us will also reach our 50 nights of reading this week coming. Such a great achievement!

Caitlyn received a Discovery School award for always trying her best in class. Kapai!