Monday, 16 December 2013

The last few weeks in MR

Language Experiences

Wow School has been soooo super busy! We have been doing lots of awesome activities in the past few weeks. We made some gliders with AS class. We listened to instructions and then made our own glider. After we made them we got to fly them outside on the courts. Some went really far! After that we had to write instructions on how to make a glider. We were really specific so that anybody could make it all by themselves! Check out some of our pictures:

On Monday we had two special visitors. They were both turtles! They were crawling all over the classroom while we were watching them. After we saw them we read some facts about turtles and then wrote down five important facts that we had remembered. We labelled a turtle and all of its body parts!


This term we have been focusing on Technology. We have been working on making little gifts for our friends and families. We made a gift, a name tag, wrapping and a card! We are very proud of what we have made and can’t wait to give them to our special people!


We are doing ‘Secret Santa’ this year. We put up our Christmas tree and lots of presents are under the tree now! We can’t wait to open them all up on the last day of school!

Fire Truck

This week we had a fire engine come to school. We got to walk through the fire truck, turn on the hose and listen to the sirens! They were pretty loud! The firemen were pretending to squirt us with water and we were all running away!

Water Fight

We had a water fight with AS class to celebrate the end of term. We even got to squirt Miss Rowe and Mrs Saunders! We all had a water gun or a drink bottle each and we could refill over at the buckets. We also got to run and slide on the tarp with dish washing liquid. This was super fun!

End of Year..

The next few days in MR are busy as per usual! We have a few farewells to go to and lots of Christmas activities to do! We have found out who our new teachers are for next year and we are all pretty excited (but Miss Rowe is going to miss us heaps!!!)

Thanks for such a FANTASTIC year and keeping up to date with our blog! See you all in the new year!

Wednesday, 13 November 2013

What's been going on in MR class this week?

This week we have been doing lots of awesome art work! We made some bright, colourful flowers. We had to pick some colours that went well together. Some of us just used one colour per petal and some of us used two per petal. This is what they turned out like:


On Tuesday we went to an awesome art workshop. We learnt how to draw cartoon characters! We drew a cat, dog, pencil, sheep, monkey and lots more! One of our favourite drawings was the penguin so on Wednesday we got to draw a MASSIVE penguin! We read a book about different penguin facts and found out lots of cool information. Here are some of our drawings:

Kite Flying

Today MR class went and flew kites on the Discovery School field! We had such a great time running up and down the field. We had lots of different coloured kites. We came back to the classroom and talked about different verbs. We came up with lots like swirling, twirling, glistening, twinkling, speeding! We then wrote some stories and poems about kites. Miss Rowe was very pleased with the stories and poems that we made. 


We have been focusing on small ball skills for P.E. We have been learning how to hit a tennis ball with a tennis racket and learning some other new ball skills with our tennis coach. We have also been practicing our throwing and catching skills. We have some great skills in our class!!


For maths we have been focusing on money and fractions. We are learning to recognise the value of each coin and we are starting to add money together. We are all pretty clever! We are also learning to recognise types of fractions. So far we have looked at 1/2, 1/3, 1/6, 1/5 and 1/4. These are a bit tricky but with lots of practice we can do it! 

See you next week :-) 

Thursday, 31 October 2013

Back to routine..

After our busy week we are back to our normal routine! Last week was full of production, production, production! Miss Rowe and all our parents were so proud of us! We danced, sung and acted so well! 

Yesterday was Halloween! We read lots of Halloween poems and made some Halloween ghosts. They tasted YUMMY! After we made our white, scary, eatable ghosts we had to write down the ingredients and instructions so that somebody could make them that didn't know how. This is what they turned out like…

Hanawiti (sandwiches)
We have been learning lots of Maori words and phrases in MR class. Yesterday we made hanawiti (sandwiches) but we were only allowed to talk in Maori!!! We got to choose what we wanted in our sandwich and our options were ham (mīti),  lettuce (rētihi), cheese (tīhi) and tomato. We also had to know the words plate (pereti), knife (naihi), butter (pata) and bread (parāoa).  We had to tell Miss Rowe what we wanted by saying Homai te.. (pass the) and then we would say the ingredient! We all did extremely well and were so confident! Maybe you could try making a hanawiti at home!

Marble Jar
MR class filled up their marble jar! Wohooo! For our reward we asked if we could have a play on the senior playground! This was very special. Here are some of the pictures.

Grandparents Day!
We had grandparents day on Wednesday. We were so lucky to have Chamae and Mason’s grandparents come in. We asked them lots of questions about what it was like at school when they were seven years old. We learnt lots and noticed that it was so different to our school.. They didn't have computers and IPads! We quite like the way school is now- we are pretty lucky!!!

Today Sophie had some very special news. Her mum let her borrow some of her jewellery making set. Miss Rowe and Sophie had a challenge to see who could make the nicest necklace. Sophie was an expert but they both turned out very awesome! We have some very clever kids in our class!

Have a great weekend!!! :-)

Wednesday, 16 October 2013

Welcome back for Term Four!!

New Things in the Classroom...

We had a very busy Term Three and we have an even busier Term Four! We have some new things in our classroom for this term. We have some new "editing cups." These cups are to help us with our writing. After we finish our work we look at the sticks in the cups to make sure that we have checked all our work! We also have have some new things on the window! This is to help us with our narrative writing.. We are such great authors! These signs just give us lots of ideas.. Take a look!

We also have a BIG new pencil on the wall! This is to help us with our pencil grip.. If we have really good grip we get our own little peg up on the pencil! At the end of the week we get a sticker... We are all trying really hard to get up there! Four of us managed to get up on the wall today! Congratulations to Ryan, Ruby, Shaun and Leo! 

Using Ipads in the classroom..

We have been using Ipads during reading time in MR class. We listen to lots of stories on the Ipads. We plug in the headphones so that we can choose our own story. We know how to choose our stories and shut down all the apps afterwards. What a clever bunch of kids we are!! 

Decorating Biscuits..

On the last day of Term Three we got to decorate biscuits with icing and jellybeans! Our biscuits looked so awesome at the end and we had a GREAT time making them. The best part was getting to eat them afterwards.. Om Nom Nom!