Saturday, 27 February 2016


Last week MR Class hosted Assembly. We had four fantastic hosts who spoke clearly, were well organised and were just awesome! 

We also had some great dancers and guitarists get up and perform in front of the school. 

Well done to these clever two who received principal awards. 

Ollie also received his Gold Mathletics award for doing 20 weeks worth of Mathletics. What a star you are! 

Saturday, 20 February 2016

Week 3 Highlights

This week MR class have been discussing why we are unique and special. It has been great getting to know each other and our learning buddies! 

This week, for Te Reo Maori, MR Class started learning some new vocabulary so that we can start getting prepared for writing, understanding and saying our Mihi to each other. Here are the words that we have started learning:

For Athletics we have been practising our shot put! We are all stars! 

This week Sahsa, James and Jessica presented to the class for 'Teach the Teacher"

Sasha taught us all about shopkins. The girls loved this! James taught us all about trains. We know he is our train expert! Jessica taught us all about Red Pandas. We didn't realise how much she knew about Red Pandas! Well done, you all did a fantastic job at sharing. 

Thursday, 11 February 2016

Week 1 & 2 Highlights

Over the past week MR Class has been practising their high jump skills. We are getting better and better every time. It is great to see everyone trying their hardest to jump as high as they can! 


All About Me 
Over the past couple of weeks we have been learning all about each other. Over the weekend we made an 'all about me' bag. We brought these back into school on Tuesday to share with our friends. It was great to get to know each other and find out about our hobbies and families.



Everyone has taken off on Mathletics! It is great to see the Year 4s continuing Mathletics and to see the Year 3s get started. We have two fabulous Year 3s that received their first bronze certificate the day after they were given their code. 1000 points over a couple of days is just fabulous! Well done Anthony and Leah!

Teach the Teacher
Today MR Class started 'teach the teacher' Chloe and Anthony both shared. Chloe made a powerpoint about Hockey. The class asked great questions and we all learnt something. Thanks Chloe! Anthony brought in some sky landers and talked all about them. It was great to see some friendships start by finding something in common. Thanks for teaching me what I can do with my own sky landers Anthony. 

I look forward to finding more about MR Class next week. 

A New Year!

Welcome to 2016! We are going to have a great year together!