Friday, 28 August 2015

Book Week

MR Class have really enjoyed this week because we had Book Week! We had some lovely parents come in to read to us. They were our mystery readers. It was so exciting not knowing who was going to walk into the classroom. A big thank you to all of our mystery readers. You were great and we loved all of the stories. 


We all brought in our favourite books to show and read to our friends. We also showed our big buddies and made a book report about our favourite book. 

We read the Dr Seuss story "One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish" Then we created some of our own Dr Seuss art! 

To finish off Book Week we read and performed plays with our reading groups. We were great at using expression and some of us even acted out the play! 

Thursday, 6 August 2015

Fairy tales- Goldilocks and the Three Bears

This term we are focussing on lots of different fairy tales. This week we looked at the story Goldilocks and the Three Bears. We have been doing lots of writing around this story. We wrote our own narrative of Goldilocks and the Three Bears, wrote a letter to a character while pretending to be another character, and we wrote some instructions telling people how they can make their own porridge. 

We started off by doing some character descriptions of Goldilocks and Baby Bear. 

We also did some statistics around Goldilocks. We had to go around the class and find out our class members favourite characters. We displayed our results in a graph. We then had to discuss who was the most liked character. 

We made some masks so we could pretend to be the characters.

We also got to make some porridge..... Yum, yum, yum! Most of us loved the porridge but some of us didn't like it. We got to eat our porridge in our PJs with our teddy bears. 

I wonder if you can tell somebody what happens at the beginning, middle and end of the story?

Tuesday, 4 August 2015

Maori Language Week

Last week was Maori Language Week. We all had a great time learning some new words. 

We made some labels to stick around the classroom. We learnt the names of many objects in Maori and displayed them around our classroom. 

We also talked about how we were feeling. 

We focussed on the story Maui and the Sun. We wrote some fabulous narrative stories, acted out the legend, drew some fantastic pictures and even did some Maui and the Sun Maths! 

We also played bingo in Maori with our big buddy class. The bingo words were all objects in and around the classroom. We are all so clever! 

Probability- Maths!

Over the last few weeks we have been learning about 'Probability' We have done lots of activities and writing to help us understand the concepts of Probability. 

We started off by playing a game of rock, paper and scissors. We had to record our results on a tally chart. We had to think about how often a rock, paper or scissors would appear. 

Another activity we did was talking about the chance of colours coming out of a bag. We got given a paper bag with red, green, blue and yellow teddy bears in it. We had to take turns with our learning buddies to take a colour out of the bag with our eyes closed. We had to use a tally chart to record our answers. 

We should now know what impossible, certain, never, likely and unlikely means.