Sunday, 26 October 2014

Book Week!

Wow! What a fun week! Last week we had Book Week. We had a fun activity to do every single day. 

On Monday we displayed our Hairy Maclary work. We designed book covers, and created this fabulous wall display. We also read lots of Hairy Maclary books. 

On Tuesday we read a funny story about a duck and made up character descriptions about the duck. 
On Tuesday afternoon we read a story called "The Dot" and we got to create our own dot pictures. We are such great artists.

On Wednesday we read a book about a pigeon. We wrote our own narratives about the pigeon and displayed it on our wall. On Wednesday we also got to go to the library and get involved in some activities. We had to guess who was coming for dinner at the place mats and stamp our pictures if we knew where something was kept in the library. We also had some buddy reading! 

On Thursday we read a story about cows! We got to write letters to Mr Farmer Brown from the story and also make our own farm animal masks. We also had a school wide book swap. We had the chance to browse through our new books before we took them home.

Friday was one of our favourite days because we got to dress up as a book character. Check out some of our FANTASTIC costumes!!!! 

Friday, 17 October 2014

The Term 4 Chapter Book Challenge

This Term MR Class is having a Chapter Book Challenge. We are doing this challenge so that we can become more confident in our reading, get motivated in reading and can read a variety of different books. Miss Rowe is SO pleased with the effort that everybody is putting in. Miss Rowe asks ask questions after every book we read so that we read them properly and don't rush. 

More Symmetry....Discovery Time!

Yesterday we had Discovery Time. Our focus was on Symmetry. There were so many different activities to do in the classrooms. We made symmetrical hearts, butterflies, towers and many more! We also got to play with the mirrors and get out the paints. 


This week we have been doing lots of work on Symmetry. Yesterday we made these awesome butterflies! We had to make sure that they were symmetrical so whatever we put on one wing, also had to go on the other wing. We all did such a fabulous job! Check them out:

Wellington Cricket and Small Ball Skills

On Monday it was a beautiful day so MR Class went out in the sun and started to learn some new skills about how to catch and throw a small ball. We practised bouncing and catching balls, throwing balls in pairs and throwing tennis balls up in the air and catching them.

On Tuesday we then had Wellington Cricket come and teach us some more skills. We were taught to use our catching hands by forming a ‘W’ with our hands. We were also taught how to bat with a cricket bat. We were involved in several drills and we all listened and did a fantastic job in the time we had.