Thursday, 25 September 2014

Measurement Rotation

This week we had a measurement rotation in class. We had three different activities to complete in our groups. The first activity was compare what is the shortest, longest, tallest etc. We had to use measurement words to compare lengths. The second activity was to estimate how long different objects around the classroom were. Once we estimated the objects we then measured them with counters and blocks. Our last activity was to measure our plants with rulers and compare the lengths. We had to choose to use either CM or MM.

Jack and the beanstalk

This week we read the book "Jack and the Bean Stalk!" We read this story because we have been growing some beans in our own classroom. We did several activities around Jack and the Beanstalk. 

Our first activity was to make puppets and then perform the story to the class. We all used great expression when we performed. Our second activity was a sequencing activity. We had to put all the pictures in order to retell the story. Our third activity was an art activity. We had to make posters to put up on our classroom wall. Our fourth activity was to create our own giant poems. Check out some of the pictures:

Saturday, 20 September 2014


This week we have continued to talk about measurement. On Friday we were comparing different lengths. We had to compare feet size, how tall we were, the size of our hands and many more things.We had to first estimate how long we thought something was going to be and then we measured it and compared it to our estimates. 

Elmer the Elephant

This week we read the book Elmer the Elephant. After we read the story we had to write about how we are all one of a kind. It was a great sharing time as lots of people had nice compliments to say about each other. Once we finished our writing we published them and put them up onto the wall.


On Friday our Discovery Time was a little bit different. We had a music rotation instead. We had a 'musical experience' in each classroom. In RB class we were experimenting with movement around the classroom. The music was up and we had coloured bands to move around the room with. In VH Class we got to have a go playing the glockenspiel and in MR we experimented with percussion instruments and made the sound of the rain and the wind. 

Thursday, 11 September 2014

Apple and grape racing cars

This week MR made some cars. We made our cars out of grapes and apples. We know that we are allowed lots of grapes and apples because they are in the 'fruit and vegetable' food groups. We had to listen to instructions so that we could go off and make it by ourselves. Here are some of our stories and photos:

Today in MR Class we made amazing racing cars. First I got a napkin off Trani. Then I got some grapes and put it onto the table. I put the stick into the apple and put the grape onto the stick. I got to eat it. It felt like water when I touched it and it smelt beautiful. By Milla 

Brrrm Brrrm! Today in MR Class we made fruit racing cars. First we had to get a paper towel. Next Miss Rowe cut 2 grapes in half for the wheels. Then we got an apple and 2 tooth picks. Then we put the tooth picks in the apple. Lastly we put on the grapes and then we were done! By Max W 

Matthew's helicopter

This week Matthew decided to bring his helicopter into school. We really enjoyed listening to his news and having a play. It even sprayed us with water! We were all screaming away and giggling as it was flying over top of us. Afterwards we wrote some stories about our experience. 
Here are a couple of them:

Buzzzzzz Buzzzzz! Today Matthew brought his awesome water squirting helicopter into MR. It looked like a real helicopter flying over top of us. It felt like rain. It was as cold as ice! It sounded like my dads drill. By Annelise

Here it comes! Today Matthew let us have a look at his amazing helicopter that could do wonderful tricks but some tricks involved water. It looked like a real helicopter because the water squirter looked like water shooting in the air. It sounded like a stinging bee buzzing. The wings were swinging around in a circle like they were playing tag in the air. By Benny 

Wednesday, 10 September 2014

Topic- The Four Food Groups

This week we made some posters about the four food groups. We know that the four food groups are 
1. Vegetables and fruit
2. Grains
3. Protein (meat and fish) 
4. Milk products (dairy) 
We had to remember the four food groups, write some information about the food groups and display it in a fun way. Check out our posters:

Our seed science investigation

Lately in MR Class we have been talking about plants blooming because spring is here so we did a little science investigation around seeds. We had to compare four different seeds and decide if it was the same seed or different types of seeds. We decided that they were different because of the shapes, colours and sizes. We then had to guess what kind of seeds they were. 




Sun Flower

After that we got to plant our seeds. We read instructions on how to plant seeds and how to look after them. We need to keep our plants in sunlight and water them to make them grow. Watch this space.....

Monday, 8 September 2014

Strike Percussion Performance

Today we had Strike Percussion come to our school. It was a fantastic show! We learned about some new instruments, had a giggle and got to ask some questions about 'Strike' as a career. We really enjoyed listening to the music and playing our own 'air' drums! Click on the link to check out this video with some of the highlights from the performance.

Friday, 5 September 2014

Discovery Time

We had a great time exploring during Discovery Time this week. Our topic this week was 'measurement-length' We were measuring with lots of different tools. Our focus in MR Class was to take care of our classroom environment and to look out for others. 

Yvonne's leaving shared lunch

Yesterday we said good bye to one of our MR friends. Yvonne is going back to China for a year so we had a shared lunch to say goodbye to her. We made her a giant card and lots of little cards. Our lunch was yummy and she felt very special. We wish Yvonne all the best at her new school in China.

Father's Day

We spent some time this week making special Father's Day shirts for our dads to show them how much we love them! Check them out: